0,5kg Black Lentils, Cook the Frikeh to soften and filers.
6 Onions Chop the onions and fry in a pan as wide as possible
Olive oil Add the filtered Frikeh to the fried onion
Atlantic salt
Ground black pepper Add salt and pepper
1/2 Cup finely chopped Cilantro In a mixing bowl, mix all the finely chopped greens
1/2 cup finely chopped parsley
1/2 cup finely chopped chives
One Comment
Freekeh is how you spell it. It is basically a green wheat. It is not a lentil It is almost impossible to find here in South Africa. You can get it from The Shwarma Company or La Marina in Longmeadow
What is filers?
Atlantic salt – is that sea salt? Himalayan salt – we don’t refer to Atlantic salt in South Africa
Cilantro – I’m not sure many South Africans know it as Cilantro – this is Coriander (or Dhania as the Indians refer to it)