Arab rioters block Binyamin highway for 3 hours without response

Arab rioters arrived at Route 465 in Binyamin last night (Thursday) and blocked the road for about three hours while throwing stones and Molotov Cocktails and Jewish commuters.
Binyamin Regional Council chairman Yisrael Gantz criticized the government for allowing the rioters to block the road which connects eastern and western Binyamin for so long the same week that four civilians were killed in a terrorist shooting attack in the region.
“A sovereign state and an army cannot allow enemies and rioters to cut off a main road like this. The message sent last night to the Arabs of the region is dangerous and encourages rioters and terrorists,” Gantz said.
“The IDF had to disperse the rioters by any means, and protect the main road,” added Gantz. “Unfortunately, the message sent last night to the Arabs of the area is dangerous and could cause the security situation to deteriorate. I spoke with the military commanders of the area and reflected on how serious the incident was. I demanded a comprehensive investigation of the incident, at the end of which, conclusions will be made and implemented that will ensure that such an incident does not happen again.”
Footage from the scene shows the road covered in stones, some of which are large and dangerous for vehicles using the road.

IDF, Border Police, and Shin Bet forces arrested six wanted individuals throughout Judea and Samaria overnight. Three of the suspects were arrested during an operation in Shechem (Nablus).
During the Shechem operation, terrorists opened fire at the security forces as well as threw stones and an explosive at them. The security forces responded with live fire, and several attackers were struck.
Three other suspects were arrested in two Arab villages, where rioters threw stones and fireworks at the security forces, who responded by firing into the air to disperse the rioters.
In addition, IDF soldiers confiscated an M-16 rifle, cartridges, ammunition, and fireworks in the city of Hebron and in a nearby village.

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