Guinness names Canadian babies as world’s most premature twins

Twins born in Canada after only 22 weeks have been named by Guinness as the world”s most premature twins, BBC News reported.
Brother and sister Adiah and Adrial Nadarajah”s birth 126 days early was one day earlier than the previous record set in 2018 by American twins born prematurely in Iowa.
Guinness noted that if the children had been born any earlier than 22 weeks, the hospital would not have intervened with life-saving medical attention. A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks.
Ontario resident Shakina Rajendram told the broadcaster that she went into labor after only 21 weeks and five days. Her doctors told her that her twins were “not viable” and had no chance of surviving.
Her husband, Kevin Nadarajah explained that the hospital told them they would not intervene with a pregnancy that had occurred so early, and he was left sleepless with a “face streaming with tears.”

Luckily, the couple were able to transfer to Toronto”s Mount Sina Hospital in which there is a neonatal intensive care unit.
When Rajendram went into labor after only 21 days, she was told the hospital would let her babies die if they were born one minute before 22 days. So she did everything she could to not give birth for several hours. She ended up giving birth 15 minutes after midnight, into the start of the 22nd day of labor.
After difficult medical issues, the twins are now one year old and doing well.
“We watched the babies almost die before our eyes many times,” Rajendram told the BBC.

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